Succeed In A&P
An audio podcast series dedicated to the sharing of ideas, best practices, teaching tips, educational solutions, and other exciting topics in Anatomy and Physiology.
Podcasting since 2017 • 88 episodes
Succeed In A&P
Latest Episodes
Passing the Torch
Join Valerie Kramer (McGraw Hill) as she shares an exciting transition for Anatomy & Physiology at McGraw Hill! You'll meet Monica Lewis (McGraw Hill) and hear plans for the future of A&P at McGraw Hill. Questions? Email Mo...

Are Anatomical Planes Overlooked?
Join host Valerie Kramer (McGraw Hill) as she talks with Molly Schiel (Northeast Iowa Community College) about the importance of planes of section in Anatomy & Physiology. Hear tips and reasons to incorporate anatomical planes in your intro...

What's New in 2022 for A&P
With a common goal to Stop the Drop (Drop-Fail-Withdraw rate) in A&P, let's help our students succeed this year and beyond! Listen to find out what's happening at McGraw Hill this spring, including an APR and APR Assignment update, increase...

A Student's Insight to Learning A&P
Hear from Ryan DeNault, a student at The State University of New York College at Cortland, as he shares his perspective on learning A&P—both in the classroom and fully digital in the wake of the pandemic. Although he is a Fitness Developmen...
Season 4
Episode 4

Want to Drive Student Engagement with Interactive 3D Models?
Part III of a three-part podcast series, highlighting McGraw Hill's new 3D rotatable models. Join Valerie Kramer and Michael Koot, PhD, (McGraw Hill) as they talk with A&P instructor David Ansardi, PhD, at Calhoun Community Col...
Season 4
Episode 3